adidas Tango League

Tango League promo video:

adidas street soccer competition platform

Tango League is a street soccer competition platform with the goal to create soccer communities in European key cities. Each team in the Tango League has a team captain who has been selected by adidas and creates a team profile (team name, color, crest) on the platform. The team captains can send out invitation codes to potentials team players to join their team. Using the invitations inbox the team captain has an overview who used the code to apply for the team and can select the ones he wants.

To win the competition the teams have to collect points. One of the ways to collect points is to challenge other teams to play a match. Using the platform the team captains can send and receive challenge request which they can either accept or decline.

Next to the closed side for the team captains and players there is a public side to the platform where people can view information like: standings, match/event calendar, team profiles, news and social feed.

I created the UX / interaction design for the full platform.

YEAR: 2015 – 2016
CATEGORY: Responsive website
CLIENT: adidas (with Heimat Berlin)
EMPLOYER: MediaMonks

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